Ray White Craigieburn

Sharing our passion and knowledge with our clients and the community.

At Ray White Craigieburn, our aim to provide the most professional customer focused property services business within the Real Estate Industry. Our Facebook page is simply an avenue in which we can provide value to our friends and online community.

General Information

Thank you for considering the services of Ray White Craigieburn in assisting you to make your next property move. Our industry is constantly evolving, as a result every innovation we make is done so on the promise to better service the needs of our customers and achieve better prices for our clients.

As a full service property services business we can assist you with a lot more than the actual transaction of buying and selling. We have specialist people in place that can assist you with everything from finding the right home loan and ongoing professional management of your investment property.

We are proud of what we have to offer, we are the most customer focused real estate business in the market. Everything that our business stands for is harnessed in every single transaction we complete.

After this short introduction to our company, we look forward to assisting you with your property needs, time and time again.

Lead by our business owners Andrew Bellino, Carlo Gargano & Domenic Belfiore, we look forward to working with you.

Real estate